Xalteva Church, Granada, Nicaragua

Xalteva Church, Granada, Nicaragua

 Xalteva Church, Granada, Nicaragua

Located in the western part of Granada, Nicaragua, the Xalteva Church was named after the indegenous tribe who originally inhabited the area when the first Spanish colonists arrived. This elegant old church was used for a while as a militar fortress and was destroyed during the civil war in 1856. In 1890, the church was ravaged by earthquakes, and rebuilt between 1895 and 1898. The final restoration work ended in 1921. The stunning colour scheme is quite new and the architectural style has baroque and unexpected Islamic influences. The frescoes and beautifully carved altar are worth checking out!


Leticia Davila studied Business Administration in English at the University in Granada, and later traveled abroad to complete more intensive studies in Business and English. She began to seriously pursue her passion for teaching the language, culture of traditions of Nicaragua in 2000, and is currently a teacher and the administrator of Spanish Dale! Married with three daughters (Pamela, Ixkra and Nirvana), Leticia enjoys social activities, volleyball and dancing.

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