Montelimar Beach, Nicaragua

Relaxing at Montelimar Beach

Located on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Montelimar Beach is one of the most exclusive beaches of Central America and dazzles with its charming coastline and landscape. You will ll find several miles of white sand where you can play on the beach or just relax while enjoying the near-perfect climate. The land was originally owned by German immigrants and was confiscated by the Somoza dynasty after they declared war on Germany during World War II, even though no fighting took place between the two countries. This beach is ideal for windsurfing and for sunbathing.


Leticia Davila studied Business Administration in English at the University in Granada, and later traveled abroad to complete more intensive studies in Business and English. She began to seriously pursue her passion for teaching the language, culture of traditions of Nicaragua in 2000, and is currently a teacher and the administrator of Spanish Dale! Married with three daughters (Pamela, Ixkra and Nirvana), Leticia enjoys social activities, volleyball and dancing.

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