Flora and Biodiversity of Nicaragua

Flora and Biodiversity of Nicaragua

Featuring 320,000 hectares of national parks. Nicaragua is rich with flora and fauna biodiversity. In Nicaragua you will discover 7% of the world’s biodiversity. The country is blessed with seven different types of forest, from the subtropical dry forest to tropical rain forest and tree savannas. Each of these forested regions contains its own unique collection of plants, animal and other species. There are nearly 7,600 different higher plants and 50 varieties of fruit trees spread throughout the country. Nicaragua also hosts a wide variety of exotic flowers and tropical trees to delight natives and tourists alike. Beware, though, as some of them are poisonous.


Leticia Davila studied Business Administration in English at the University in Granada, and later traveled abroad to complete more intensive studies in Business and English. She began to seriously pursue her passion for teaching the language, culture of traditions of Nicaragua in 2000, and is currently a teacher and the administrator of Spanish Dale! Married with three daughters (Pamela, Ixkra and Nirvana), Leticia enjoys social activities, volleyball and dancing.

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