Granada Cathedral, Nicaragua

Granada Cathedral

The beautiful colonial city of Granada is doubtless one of the most appealing tourist destinations in Latin America. The luminous Granada Cathedral is one of the most notable buildings of Granada, Nicaragua. it is located on the east side of the plaza in the center of the town. This magnifiscent mustard-colored neoclassical building was originally built in 1583 but has been destroyed and rebuilt several times. The most recent version, built in 1915, features three naves, four chapels and extensive stained glass windows. It is worth stopping in to wander the hallways and admire the beautiful architecture of the building. A must-see in Granada, Nicaragua!


Leticia Davila studied Business Administration in English at the University in Granada, and later traveled abroad to complete more intensive studies in Business and English. She began to seriously pursue her passion for teaching the language, culture of traditions of Nicaragua in 2000, and is currently a teacher and the administrator of Spanish Dale! Married with three daughters (Pamela, Ixkra and Nirvana), Leticia enjoys social activities, volleyball and dancing.

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